
Showing posts from April, 2020


A little girl in a village Amelia’s house was in a quiet place. It was a hilly village; the garden of her house was very beautiful. Flowers with various colors grew there. Amelia grew some roses. She's a nature lover. One day Amelia closed her book. She felt tired after studying hard. She stood by the window. She could see the mountain from there. It was a beautiful bluish green. "How wonderful it would be if I could reach the top of that mountain without climbing." "If you want to fly up there, follow me," said a soft voice. Amelia was surprised. "Who are you? Why did you come in without permission?" "My name is Yuli. My home is a bit far from here. I want to be your friend, Amelia," said the girl. "You know my name," said Amelia. "I often hear your mother calling you," Yuli answered. She reached out her hand to Amelia. Amelia shook Yuli's hand. "Why is your hand so cold? Are you ill?" asked Amelia...


GROUP 14 Sarah Aprilia Yoga Abimanyu as usual before we start the presentation were going to sing nasional song from indonesia !!! spirit !!! Powerpoint - Opening : Dirgahayu Indonesia lyrics : Dirgahayu Indonesiaku Negeri dan bangsaku yang kusayangi Aneka suka dan duka Penempaan Tuhan tlah kita jalani Sadar tahan ditempa Tuhan Agar kita jadi Bijak bestari Ikhlas bakti membina bangsa yang adil dan merata Dirgahayu Indonesiaku Negeri dan bangsaku Yang kita sayangi - Materi    : Biography - Video      : - - Quiz        : - - Latihan  : Choose one of figure that really inspire you most in your life. write his/her biography in your blog! Biography of The Great General Sudirman. General Sudirman is one of the most popular figures in the history of the struggle of the Indonesian nation.  He was the first commander of the mil...


GROUP 13 Andi Maura Fadiah as usual before we start the presentation were going to sing nasional song from indonesia !!! spirit !!! Powerpoint - Opening : Garuda Pancasila Lyrics : Garuda Pancasila Akulah Pendukungmu Patriot Proklamasi Sedia Berkorban Untukmu Pancasila Dasar Negara Rakyat Adil Makmur Sentosa Pribadi Bangsa Ku Ayo Maju Maju... Ayo Maju Maju... Ayo Maju Majuuu... - Materi    : Biography - Video      : - - Quiz        : - - Latihan  : Post Reading Activity (hal 163) Question : 1. why do we need biographies? what is their purpose? 2. what information can we find about a person by reading a biography? discuss. 3. from Ki Hajar Dewantara's biography, how would you discribe him? 4. can you find any similarities between ki Hajar Dewantara and yourself? describe. 5. responsbility is being accountable to God and to others as you do your duties or obligations in a faithful way. do you think ki Hajar Dewantara wa...


GROUP 12 Adelia Azahra Andika Bhayangkara as usual before we start the presentation were going to sing nasional song from indonesia !!! spirit !!! Powerpoint - Opening : Andika Bhayangkari Lyrics : Andhika Bhayangkari Pencipta sapta marga Pancasila mulai jadi negara mulia Bhineka tunggal ika Lambang bangsa satria Menuju nusantara Bahagia jaya Bahagia jaya... ... - Materi    : Narrative - Video      : - Quiz        : - - Latihan  :  Write a short narrative story about your experience. What is the greatest sacrifice you have ever made for your family or friends? Describe it and publish it in your blog! My Story Reaches My Citizen's Dream This peaceful night, I'm back with my routine activities.  Reading books, fiddling with cell phones, while watching tv that I have set since seven o'clock in the morning. The room looks quiet.  Because the sister is out of the house.  So that I am free ...


GROUP 11 Sefriyan Reynaldi Aulia Rahmadani as usual before we start the presentation were going to sing nasional song from indonesia !!! spirit !!! Powerpoint - Opening : Pantang Mundur Lyrics : Kulepas dikau pahlawan Kurelakan dikau berjuang Demi keagungan negara Kanda pergi ke medan jaya Bila kanda teringat Ingatlah adik seoarang Jadikan daku semangat Terus maju pantang mundur Air mataku berlinang Karena bahagia Putra pertama lahir sudah Kupintakan nama padamu pahlawan Sembah sujud ananda Dirgahayulah kakanda Jayalah dikau pahlawan Terus maju pantang mundur - Materi    : Narrative cast leaf => The story is set in Greenwich Village during a pneumonia epidemic. It tells the story of an old artist who saves the life of a young neighboring artist, dying of pneumonia, by giving her the will to live. Through her window she can see an old tree (growing against a nearby wall), gradually shedding its leaves as autumn turns into winter, and she has taken the thou...